ARB Old Man Emu 2 Inch Lift Kit Tacoma 16-22 - OMETAC16LKSB - Stock No Bumper Or Winch
This stock complete kit includes:
- 2887 – Old Man Emu Coil Spring
- 2 x 90021 – Front Old Man Emu Nitrocharger Sport Struts
- 2 x EL111R Medium (or EL112R Heavy option)
- Emu Leaf Springs – EL112R requires 660LB constant load in the rear
- 2 x 60091 – Rear Old Man Emu Nitrocharger Sport Shocks
- 4 x OMEU53B – Old Man Emu Leaf Spring U-Bolts
- FK29 – Old Man Emu Rear Drive Shaft Spacer Kit
- 2 x OMESB108 – Old Man Emu Leaf Spring Bushing Kit
- OME95PF5 – Old Man Emu Front Trim Packer
Aftermarket 4wd suspension is extremely complex. Determining the right solution for your vehicle and your requirements demands special attention to many factors. Unlike numerous aftermarket suspension systems, which are only available in a single configuration targeting lift height, Old Man Emu offers a range of tuned and matched integrated suspension systems to ensure the right suspension is available to suit how the vehicle is outfitted and the conditions it will encounter.
Design and Development
Initial evaluation of the new 2016 Tacoma was that the vehicle provided a balanced, compliant ride that gave the OME engineers a good platform for developing a range of suspension solutions. Consideration was given to the front geometry to maximize the lift while maintaining optimal levels of droop, down travel and proper alignment.
This new generation of Tacoma has a different weight bias and total weight than the previous generation, so a full run of ride testing was undertaken to ensure the proper combination of solutions were found.
Front Suspension:
Three spring options were chosen to cater for: No Bar, Bar or Winch only and Bar + Winch vehicle setups. As the suspension design is the same as the previous model Tacoma, existing coil part numbers could be used, noting some slight change in application. Factory geometry allowed for a 2-inch lift and while still maintain an adequate level of droop.
An extensive development and tuning project was undertaken to correctly match the ride quality to the spring rate and resulted in 2 front strut options depending on spring selection.
A front trim packer is also available for ne tuning front ride heights and correct for any left/ right lean.
Rear Suspension:
Great emphasis was placed on ride comfort, with and without a payload, which led to three loading scenarios using the same leaf spring part number (CS047R). For stock loads where no weight is added, it is recommended to remove a leaf from the spring pack to maximize ride comfort and achieving a 2 inch ride height increase. For heavy applications an extra leaf has been designed.
Stock loads (0lbs to GVM, optimal performance at loads of 0-300lbs) *Removal of third leaf required
Constant 300lbs (300lbs to GVM, optimal performance at loads of 300-600lbs)
Constant 600lbs (600lbs to GVM, optimal performance at loads of 600lbs plus) *Extra leaf required
Shock Absorbers:
The rear shock absorber has been developed and tuned with particular attention to controlling the vehicle both with and without payloads. Numerous iterations of valving were tested in order to determine the best possible spring and shock absorber combination based on potential payload scenarios. As a result the best possible con guration of ride comfort and vehicle control was achieved.
Bushes and Hardware:
A spring bush kit has been developed to work with the original shackles and the driveline spacer kit is available should the vehicle experience any driveline vibration.
Complete Kits:
For the US market, ARB has create 3 separate complete kits to increase the ease of ordering, purchasing, and out tting the new generation of Toyota Tacoma’s. There is a kit suitable for each of the foreseeable types of additional weight that may be installed on the front of these vehicles, using the range of coil springs available. Customers will nd exactly what they need between the Stock, Medium (bumper or winch), and Heavy (bumper + winch) Load kits.
The removal or addition of a leaf spring would need to be completed for those individuals knowing that their rear load scenarios would be lighter or heavier than the constant 300+ lbs load the spring is designed around.